TCCAA President's Welcome
Welcome to the TCCAA website. Here you will find the information you need on the proud members of our association. Tennessee has a history in athletics that is rich and vibrant. As an Association of community colleges we believe in opportunity of all kinds. Our institutions provide the highest quality education at the most affordable prices. Engagement in athletics at one of our colleges provides the best of both worlds - a great education and the opportunity to shine in the sport of your choice.
As President of the TCCAA, I lead a group of committed CEO's who fully understand the value of athletics in our colleges and across the state. We are working to strengthen this association because we know we can be one of the very best in the country. Recently, we have seen a significant upsurge in the development of addistional sports programs - further evidence of our dedication to the student-athlete.
On behalf of the Tennessee Community College Athletic Association I offer our assistance and best wishes.
Dr. Chris Whaley, President of Roane State Community College & TCCAA