The TJCAA Hall of Fame was created in 1986 with the induction of six coaches and administrators. The Tennessee Junior College - Cumberland, Freed-Hardeman, Hiwassee, Martin Methodist, would combine with the newly created Tennessee Community College - Chattanooga City, Cleveland State, Columbia State, and Jackson State, along with Morristown College to create the Tennessee Junior College Athletic Association (TJCAA) in 1968. From 1968-74 the TJCAA grew in membership which included both private and public two-year institutions. At this time with the increase in schools, the conference would change its name to the Tennessee Junior and Community College Athletic Association (TJCCAA). As the five private schools left the conference with only the ten community colleges representing; the conference changed it name to the current title of the Tennessee Community College Athletic Association (TCCAA) in 2008.
Each Year the TCCAA Hall of Fame Committee reviews nominations and elects new members into the TCCAA Hall of Fame.
- 1986-87
- Dr. L. Paul Sands Columbia State President
- Dr. Kermith Smith Martin Methodist Coach, Athletic Director
- Dr. Earnest Stockton Cumberland President
- Jimmy Earle Martin Methodist Coach
- Dave Hall Columbia State Coach, Athletic Director
- Joe Daves Motlow State Coach, Athletic Director
- 1987-88
- Herbert Wright, Jr. Shelby State Player, Coach
- 1988-89
- Donnie Jenkins Hiwassee Coach, Athletic Director
- 1989-1990
- Bob Canada Shelby State Coach, Athletic Director
- 1990-1991
- Jack Martin Jackson State Coach, Athletic Director
- 1991-92
- Charlie Anderson Aquinas Coach
- 1992-1993
- Jim Painter Columbia State Coach
- 1993-94
- Verties Sails, Jr. Shelby State Coach, Athletic Director
- 1994-95
- Ron Carr Walters State Athletic Director
- 1995-96
- Jim Davis Roane State Coach
- 1996-97
- Bill Gardner Walters State Coach
- 1997-98
- Carr McCalla Motlow State Coach
- 1998-99
- Dr. L. Quentin Lane Cleveland State President
- 1999-2000
- Bill Carlyle Walters State Coach
- 2000-01
- Jim Cigliano Cleveland State Vice President, Athletic Director
- 2001-02
- Richard Moore Volunteer State Coach, Athletic Director
- 20002-03
- Dr. Hal R. Ramer Volunteer State President
- 2003-04
- Larry Brewer Coach
- 2004-05
- Dave Kragel Walters State Coach
- 2005-06
- Dr. Jack E. Campbell Walters State President
- 2006-07
- Jim Swope Jackson State Coach
- 2007-08
- Steve Longley Cleveland State Coach, Athletic Director
- 2008-09
- Bobby Hudson Volunteer State Coach, Athletic Director
- 2009-2010
- Ken Campbell Walters State Coach
- 2010-11
- Hugh Walker Cleveland State Coach
- John "Jack" Overbey Dyersburg State Coach
- 2011-2012
- Louis Conner Columbia State Player, Coach, Athletic Director
- Bernadette Locke-Mattox Roane State Player
- 2012-13
- Dr. R. Foster Chason Chattanooga State Coach, Walters State Athletic Director
- Marsh Goodson Jackson State Coach
- 2013-14
- Joe Crabtree Cleveland State Coach, Athletic Director
- 2014-15
- Larry Sauceman Walters State Coach
- 2015-16
- Dan Trotter Martin Methodist/Cleveland State Coach
- Johnny Lynn Volunteer State Coach
- David Weathers Motlow State Coach
- 2016-17
- Dr. Wade B. McCamey Walters State President
- Don Rhoton Motlow State Coach
- 2017-18
- Bob Martin Motlow State Player
- 2018-2019
- Paula Fuller, Jackson State Player/Head Women's Basketball Coach
- Gary Barfield, Moltow State Head Softball Coach, Athletic Director
- Andy Landers, Roane State Head Women's Basketball Coach
- 2019-2020
- Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State President
- 2020-2021
- Marvin Williams, Jackson State Coach
- 2021-2022
- Victor "Bubba" Cates, Jackson State, Baseball Coach
- Randy Nesbit, Roane State, Men's Basketball Coach and Athletic Director
- Dani Fowler, Chattanooga State, Softball Player
- 2022-2023
- Lee Cigliano, Cleveland State, Men's Basketball Coach
- 2023-2024
- Greg Dennis, Chattanooga State, Baseball Coach
- Carolyn Bush Roddy, Hiwassee College, Women's Basketball Player
- 2024-2025
- Mike Policastro, Cleveland State, Athletic Director, Baseball Coach
- Beth Keylon-Rawlston, Chattanooga State, Softball Coach